ESDP Conference, Expo and Gala dinner

MSDUK brings together innovative and high-growth non-white ethnic minority businesses with global corporations committed to creating inclusive and diverse supply chains. We’re not just talking the talk; we’re proudly strutting our stuff as the UK’s champions of supplier diversity. Our mission? To ensure that non-white ethnic minority businesses are not just seen, but they’re celebrated within corporate supply chains. We’re all about inclusion, equality, and making sure everyone gets their slice of the opportunity pie. It’s time for change, and we’re the ones drawing the roadmap for a more diverse corporate world.

Now, fasten your seatbelts, folks, because MSDUK is taking its show on the road – to Europe! They’ve chosen the vibrant city of Amsterdam as their European HQ. Yep, you heard it right. They’re making waves across the EU, and they’re not doing it quietly. They’re going all out with a spectacular European branch launch, complete with a power-packed congress, a show-stopping expo, and a gala dinner that’s the talk of the town.

And who do you think they turned to for this extravaganza? None other than the event wizards of Fixers Group! These folks know how to make an impact, and they’ve outdone themselves with a two-day congress hosted at the iconic Beurs van Berlage. Think of it as the ultimate corporate rendezvous, with top-notch speakers, exhibitors galore, and a buzzing crowd of 400 guests per day.

But that’s not all, folks! The pièce de résistance was the gala dinner, held at the Museum of the Year – the illustrious Scheepvaartmuseum. Fixers Group sprinkled their magic, turning this historic venue into a feast for the senses. It was a night where glitz, glamor, and meaningful connections took center stage.

And let’s talk numbers – 7 Fixers superheroes served up excellence to 400 guests each day, wrangled 60 speakers, and made sure 61 exhibitors had their moment in the spotlight. The result? An NPS score that hit a smashing 35 (that’s right, excellent!). An overall execution rating of 8.9, and a sky-high 9 when it came to “Would you recommend this event to others?”

In a nutshell, MSDUK and Fixers Group teamed up to create a European splash that’ll

be talked about for ages. Amsterdam, you’ve just been hit by the diversity tornado!


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